Одна из любимых-вот этот сестерций с Агриппиной Старшей. Вся мощь и величие Рима для меня уместилась в этом маленьком монетном кружке: строго, информативно, аккуратно до безумия и ничего лишнего.

Agrippina Senior (the Elder), wife of Germanicus and mother of Caligula, AD 37-41. AE Sestertius minted posthumously at Rome by Claudius, c. AD 53-54. Draped bust right of Agrippina Senior, hair in queue. Reverse: Inscription around "S C". RIC (Claudius) 102; BMC 219. Even, deep medium-brown patina revealing excellent hair detail. Superb Extremely Fine. Claudius issued a rich series of commemorative coins honoring Agrippina Senior, Agrippina Junior, Antonia (mother of Claudius), Nero Claudius Drusus (father of Claudius), Germanicus (brother of Claudius), and Nero (heir to the throne). What a cast of characters!Interestingly, John Works Garrett purchased this coin in 1927 from M. Schulman for $180.00. Estimated Value $15,000 - 17,000. Provenance: Ex Lanz Sale (22 XI 99), lot 185; ex Garrett collection (NFA-Leu, 16 V 84, lot 734); ex Baron Auguste Delbeke collection.
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Auction 69 (29.05.2012) Price 17500 USD.