Все-таки, ваза или венец, как думаете господа?
THRACE, Philippopolis. /Caracalla. /*AD 198-217. Æ Medallion (36mm,
26.53 g, 12h). Pythian Games issue. Struck AD 215. Radiate, draped, and
cuirassed bust right / Prize crown, inscribed ΠYΘIA and surmounted by
balloting balls, set on table in perspective right; below, palm frond
and urn.
Gordian III. AD 238-244. Æ Pentassarion (13.69
g, 6h). Odessus mint. AVT K M ANT GORDIANOC, AVG
in exergue, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust
of Gordian III right, vis-à-vis draped bust of
Sarapis left, wearing calathus, cornucopia at
shoulder / ODHC–CEITWN, agonistic urn inscribed
DARZALEIA, containing two palms; E in exergue.
Отредактировано Excursor (2012-10-01 21:31:52)